America: Hoardings in various cities of America including Texas remain the subject of discussion. In fact, in many cities of America, billboards have been put up with the message of equality between Islam and Christianity. These hoardings are attracting the attention of thousands of people.
‘Muslims love Jesus’ is written on the hoarding talking about the similarity between Islam and Christianity. It means that Muslims love Jesus. It is also written below this message that ‘the message of one God and his prophethood’. People are giving their own feedback regarding these hoardings.
On the other hand, it can be seen in the second hoarding that Mary has been wearing a hijab and it is also written that thanks, Mary was wearing a hijab. would you respect it? Similar billboards carry a picture of the building of the Kaaba in Saudi Arabia and the message that it was built by Ibrahim, dedicated to the worship of one God, the site of annual pilgrimage for millions of Muslims.
Muslims love Jesus pic.twitter.com/w4MC3bnpO9
— TheDeenShow with Eddie (@TheDeenShow) January 18, 2023
Who put up posters in the cities?
According to media reports, these hoardings have been put up in different cities of America with the message of equality between Islam and Christianity. According to PTI, these hoardings have been put up by Gainpeace, an Islamic education centre. It is being told that ‘Genpeace’, an Illinois-based Islamic education center, is putting up such hoardings across the US, including Chicago, Dallas and New Jersey, to highlight the shared roots of religions and dispel misconceptions.
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