Rain alert in UP, Haryana, Punjab, Delhi, how is the effect of this weather on crops, know here

Rain alert in UP, Haryana, Punjab, Delhi, how is the effect of this weather on crops, know here


IMD Rain Forecast: The Indian Meteorological Department has expressed the possibility of scattered rain with thunder in Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh including the capital Delhi from 24 to 26 January. A similar situation has been seen in Madhya Pradesh in North Rajasthan, but due to a Western Disturbance, it is expected to rain in North-Western India from January 27. This change in the weather will also affect agriculture. According to the latest report of Indian Express, this year farmers have sown wheat in 341.13 lakh hectare area, while last year it was 339.87 lakh hectare. Due to the weather this year, there are chances of getting a bumper production of wheat.

what do farmers say
Rajbir Yadav, Principal Scientist of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), said that sunny weather and low night temperatures are perfect for wheat. At this time there is no problem even with light scattered rain. This will help in natural nitrogen fixation as well as in speeding up the growth of the crop.

Pritam Singh, a farmer in Urlana Khurd village in Haryana’s Panipat district, has claimed that light rain accompanied by thunderstorms means applying 15 kg of urea per acre. The dust, soil and pollution accumulated on the wheat crop will be cleaned with this rain water.

Rain water is much purer than ground water. It also contains other elements along with salts. If it rains, an irrigation work will be done in the wheat crop in a natural way.

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Irrigation cost will be saved
The farmer told that due to rains at this time, the cost of irrigation will be saved. Generally, 4 irrigations are given in wheat crop, but if there is no rain in the area, 5 to 6 irrigations have to be done for the growth of the crop.

About 5 hours time and 1-1.5 liters of diesel is spent per hour for irrigation of one acre field. Many times, for additional irrigation, 5 to 7.5 liters of diesel has to be burnt at the rate of Rs 90 per litre, due to which relief is expected.

How will be the weather for mustard crop
According to the report, this year farmers have sown mustard in record area. Mustard was sown in only 84.47 lakh hectare area in the year 2021-22, whereas this year 91.56 lakh hectare area is being cultivated with mustard crop, while the average coverage was fixed at 63.46 lakh hectare.

Usually mustard sown by the end of October starts flowering within 50 to 60 days. After this, beans start forming within 35 to 40 days. Running of cold wave in this stage is not good for the productivity of the crop.

This is the reason that the frost and cold wave between January 15 and January 18 have caused a lot of damage to the mustard crop in Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and West Madhya Pradesh.

This stage of mustard is very delicate, although flowering has not started in wheat yet, so this manipulation of morning sunlight and fall in night temperature will not affect the wheat crop badly, but due to cold wave and frost Mustard pods may break and fall. At the same time, plant tissue also freezes due to frost, due to which the crop does not grow and the crop gets wasted.

Relief from light rain only
In the report of The Indian Express, Pramod Kumar Rai, head of Directorate of Mustard Research (Bharatpur), Rajasthan told that we are working at the ground level to assess the loss in mustard crop. Thankfully, after January 19, the effect of cold wave and frost has reduced a bit, but still the trouble has not averted.

We should expect only light scattered rain without any chance of hailstorm or strong wind, else the crops may get bent in the fields. He told that almost by the end of March, the harvesting of mustard is completed, in which the work of seed filling and ripening is completed in the last 45 to 50 days.

How was the weather for gram crop
Gram is not only a major pulse crop, it is also the second major crop of Rabi season, which has been sown in 110.91 lakh hectare area, which is slightly less than last year. In the year 2021-22, gram was sown in about 112.65 lakh hectare area, but this area is also more than the prescribed area of ​​98.86 lakh.

In the country, the farmers of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh had sown gram by the end of September, while the farmers of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab completed this work in the first fortnight of November. In this way the duration of the crop also increases from 100 to 110, 120, 130, 140 days.

The frost has not had any special effect on the gram crop, because in this too flowering will start only till the end of January or February, which will start forming pods only after 25 to 30 days. If it rains now, it will be helpful in increasing the productivity of gram.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Farmer brothers, before implementing any suggestion, do consult the concerned expert.

Read this also:- Spray these fertilizers to increase the productivity of wheat, adopt these measures for pest and disease management


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