Spray these manures and fertilizers to increase the productivity of wheat, adopt them for pest and disease management

Spray these manures and fertilizers to increase the productivity of wheat, adopt them for pest and disease management


Wheat Production: Wheat is the major food grain crop of the world. Wheat is cultivated on a large scale in India, on which the country’s food security rests, but wheat production is decreasing amid the challenges of climate change. To deal with these challenges, timely management of the crop is advised. If you understand what are the needs of the crop, then the loss can be reduced to a great extent. This is the reason that now agricultural scientists also issue advisories related to agriculture from time to time, in which farmers are informed about the use of fertilizers and fertilizers for nutritional management in the crop and the spraying of the right medicine to monitor pest and disease. Is given. Especially at this time when the wheat crop is on the rise, then by completing all these works properly on time, you can get the right productivity of the wheat crop.

how to manage nutrition
Wheat crop is increasing at this time. One-third of nitrogen can be sprinkled on the crop for the proper development of plants to roots and good productivity from earrings. These days the symptoms of iron and zinc deficiency start appearing on the leaves of wheat crop.

To overcome these deficiencies, 1 kg zinc sulphate and 500 grams of slaked lime can be dissolved in 200 liters of water and sprinkled on the crop. If the symptoms are more visible on the leaves, then spraying this solution 2-3 times in every 15 days on the advice of an agronomist will be beneficial for supply of nutrition.

On the basis of soil test, if there is deficiency of manganese in the field, then mixing one kg of manganese sulphate with 200 liters of water can be sprinkled on the crop 2-3 days before the first irrigation. If desired, on the advice of experts, spraying 0.5% solution of Iron Sulphate on the crop on sunny days will also be beneficial.

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irrigate like this
Agricultural experts say that 35 to 40 liters of water is required for the wheat crop to ripen and prepare well. Irrigation should be done according to the moisture content of the crop. To save the wheat crop from frost in winter, light irrigation can be done in the evening.

Micro-irrigation is also advised from time to time for the development of earrings and roots in the crop. If irrigation was done at the time of sowing, apply light water every 20-25 days. In late sowing of wheat, do light irrigation work at an interval of 18-20 days and in late wheat at an interval of every 15 to 20 days as per requirement.

don’t forget to weed
Do you know that many unnecessary plants also grow along with the crops in the fields. These are called weeds, which slowly absorb all the nutrition from the crop and attract insects and diseases. These weeds cause up to 40% loss in the crop.

If you want the right productivity and safe yield of the crop, do not forget to do weed management before irrigation. For this, keep doing weeding at an interval of every few days, due to which oxygen will also be supplied to the roots and the crop will develop well.

If the outbreak of weeds is more in the crop, then herbicide spray can also be done on the advice of many experts to prevent them. Sulfo-Saluron is also an effective herbicide, which can be dissolved in 13 grams of 120 liters of water and sprinkled on the crop before irrigation.

pest control
These days the outbreak of rust disease is visible in the wheat crop. Especially in the north-west and plains, there is a danger of crop failure due to this disease. Our scientists are constantly trying for the prevention of rust disease. The Indian Wheat and Barley Research Institute, Karnal (Haryana) has also developed a new technique for the prevention of rust disease in wheat, the test of which has also proved successful.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Farmer brothers, before implementing any suggestion, do consult the concerned expert.

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