PM Kisan Scheme 13th Installment: The 13th installment of Pradhan Mantri Samman Nidhi has not reached the farmers’ account. The farmers are eagerly waiting for the installment. The installment should reach the account of the eligible farmers under any circumstances. Regarding this, the central and state governments are busy in doing homework at the ground level in each state. Guidelines have been fixed till January 31 for conducting e-KYC in Uttar Pradesh. At the same time, now another state government has fixed the deadline for conducting e-KYC. If the farmers are not able to get e-KYC done within that stipulated time, then they will not be able to get the 13th installment.
Get e-KYC done in Bihar by January 28
Bihar government is making farmers aware to get e-KYC done. In a tweet, the Bihar Agriculture Ministry has asked the farmers to get e-KYC done by January 28, 2023. The ministry has clearly said that the farmers who will not be able to get e-KYC done by January 28. They will not be able to get the 13th installment. The Agriculture Department has also issued a notice regarding this.
E-KYC of 16.74 lakh farmers not done
The Ministry of Agriculture has said that it is necessary to have e-KYC before releasing the 13th installment. E-KYC of 16.74 lakh farmers has not been done in the state. A message has also been sent to all the beneficiaries through DBT Agriculture Department. All the farmers should follow this message and get e-KYC and necessary updation done.
Get e-KYC done like this
Beneficiaries will have to visit the official page of PM Kisan Portal for this. For this, fill the necessary information on clicking on e-KYC. Mobile number can be linked with Aadhaar number online only. OTP will be available in this. On entering the OTP and filling the required details
E-KYC will be completed. Apart from this, it can also be completed at the nearest CSC and online centers. For this, an online fee of Rs 15 has to be paid.
Two crore farmers did not get the installment
More than 2 crore farmers did not get the 12th installment of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi. In fact, complaints were being received with the Central Government that a large number of fake farmers are taking the PM Kisan Samman Nidhi. The central government, with the help of the state government, launched a campaign to weed out the ineligible. More than 2 crore farmers were excluded from the list. Even now the central government is showing the way to exclude the ineligible. Central government officials have said that without e-KYC and Bhulekh updation, the 13th installment will not be available.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Farmer brothers, before implementing any suggestion, do consult the concerned expert.
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